ベラジョン 無料esa Group's Aspiration (Long-Term Goals)

We formulated the ベラ ジョン カジノ コイン おすすめoup's Basic Sustainability, based on ベラジョン 無料esa Group's Principles, and identified Materiarities - ベラジョン 入金 ボーナスssues for Sustainable. At the same time, the Group also determined ベラジョン 無料esa Group's Aspiration, a series of long-term goals.

  • Providing products and services in every health-related field Becoming a Healthcare Consortium
  • Our Aspriration by segment ethical pharmaceuticals wholesaling busibess to be a true leading company that offers the best proposals and options for all health-related and medical needs self-medication products wholesaling business To be a true leading company in the fields of beautyand health that connectd with all people Manufactureing business To be a company that provides the manufacturing capabillities,production capabillities, and services that the market demands Medical-related business To oprerate a chain of pharmacies that can cover every stage of care across a Person’s life journey,from preventive to terminal care

We aim to become a Healthcare Consortium® that provides products and services in every health-related field. To that end, we strive to be a corporate group that is a close partner in people's life journeys, capable of displaying its manufacturing, wholesaling, distribution, family pharmacy, and information provision functions to the fullest.